Monday 2 December 2013

Merry Christmas From Bendigo Animal Hospital

As Christmas approaches I would like to wish all of our fantastic clients a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and happy new year.

2013 has been a very busy year for the Bendigo Animal Hospital and I am forever grateful to our wonderful staff who really do give of themselves to ensure you and your pets receive the best possible veterinary care, remember Your pet is in good hands at the Bendigo Animal Hospital.

I would like to thank everyone for their well wishes during my recent illness. I am progressing well and will resume clinical work in the new year.

Once again merry Christmas ,look after your fury family members over Christmas,not too much cheer and no chocolate!!

Cheers Dr John Brown

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Protect Your Feline Friend Against Feline AIDS

We are talking about FIV (Feline AIDS) today as we recenty treated a case here at the clinic and thought that it might be a good idea to remind the community that there are steps that you can take to protect your Feline Friends against this nasty disease.

Caused by feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), feline AIDS is just as you would imagine it with the cat’s immune system malfunctioning, resulting in a host of secondary problems.

How do you keep your cat protected?

You have two options, the simplest being never let your cat roam outside as infection occurs when one cat bites another. But what about cats that demand time outdoors.

These cats need the protection of a vaccination.

Once the initial course has been administered you can then bundle this vaccination in with the cat’s annual vaccination/wellness Exam to make it easier.

For more information about FIV please contact the clinic on 03 5443 3322 and we can make sure that we keep your feline family purring for years to come.

Jamie Tuohey
Practice Manager

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Planning For Your Fur-Kid's Future

Last week I had the rewarding experience of being thanked for good advice. I was on an after-hours call seeing a young unwell dog. This was yet another significant veterinary expense the owner would be claiming back through his pet insurance. The owner was very thankful for my advising him to get pet insurance when I first saw his dog as a puppy.

I frequently see puppy owners weighing up the cost of pet insurance. It is worth considering that the initial costs of purchasing or adopting a pet are usually insignificant when compared with the ongoing care your pet needs.
As your pet’s veterinarian I see how hard it can be to weigh up the unexpected costs of veterinary care with household budgets. Veterinary healthcare is constantly advancing, improving outcomes for our pets and we are evolving too, with most of us considering our pets as an important part of our families deserving of the best health care. Of course with the progression of veterinary health care and more options for our pets the possible expense increases as well. When faced with an unexpected accident or illness it is enough to worry about your pet’s recovery without having to compromise on their care because of cost.

We are in the fortunate position at Bendigo Animal Hospital to offer puppies and kittens an exclusive four weeks free pet insurance through Petplan. This is a great opportunity to be covered for free right from the start with no obligation. You might use the time to shop around and consider other providers or even make a claim as some of our puppies already have with their free coverage. If you would like some more information about how to choose an insurance provider or if you would like to talk about the possible benefits to your pet, please feel free to give us a call, I would be happy to discuss the options.

When your pet is insured both you and your veterinarian can devote all their focus to your pet’s care rather than weighing the costs.

Dr Lyndel Jeffery

Thursday 28 February 2013

Heartworm - An Emerging Disease

I recently attended a veterinary conference in Melbourne. One of the things that I found most interesting was a talk from the president of the American Heartworm Society. Although based in America, Dr Robert Stannard had some valuable insights into the heartworm situation in Australia.

Just to remind you … Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) is a parasite that is spread by mosquitoes between dogs where the parasite grows into foot long worms which live in the major vessels of the heart. Although usually affecting dogs it can also cause serious disease or sudden death in cats, ferrets and other wild animals.
Often in Australia we think of heartworm as a disease more prevalent in tropical climates. I was surprised to learn that even in climates where the average low temp is negative fourteen degrees heartworm still circulates and affects animals. I was also surprised to discover that heartworm is classified as an emerging disease because of its rapid increase in prevalence and geographic range.

In Australia we have very little information on the prevalence of heartworm. Considering the seriousness of clinical heartworm disease we need to be vigilant and recommend protection for dogs, cats and ferrets. If you would like some information about how best to protect your pets please phone the team at Bendigo Animal Hospital on 5443 3322.

For further information on heartworm and the disease caused visit

Dr Lyndel Jeffery

Friday 11 January 2013

Happy 2013

Congratulations! We made it through another festive season.
2012 saw Dr John Brown enjoying the opportunity to spend more time with small animals. Sadly we said goodbye to Dr Julie Kendall who had been a valued part of the B.A.H. team. 2012 also saw the purchase of a new digital ultrasound, a new website, facebook page & upgraded software, which we look forward to using to better service the B.A.H. community in 2013.

We would also like to welcome a new team member, Dr Max Tori. Max is a 2012 graduate of the University of Sydney. Having grown up in Bendigo, Max is very happy to be returning home to work at the Bendigo Animal Hospital. Max has a keen interest in surgery and diagnostic imaging. At home, Max is terrorised by his hyperactive terrier cross Wilbur. When able to escape his demanding pup, Max enjoys playing tennis, running, catching up with friends and travelling abroad.

The team at B.A.H. wish you all the best for a happy & healthy year ahead.